The Alexander Technique

People learn and practice the Technique to help relieve pain and discomfort, to promote health and well-being and improve their performance and enjoyment of everyday activities such as sitting, standing, and walking. Anything that involves movement can be improved through learning the technique.
How does it work?
We all tend to do things in the way we have always done them and often in an habitual automatic manner that uses a lot of unnecessary muscular effort. By learning to recognise these patterns we can learn to let go of this unnecessary tension start to think and move in a harmonious manner.
What can it help with?
People whatever their age typically experience improvement in dealing with:
- Back, neck and joint pain
- Muscle tension and stiffness
- Breathing and vocal problems
- Anxiety and stress related conditions
- Recovery from surgery and illness
- Low energy and fatigue
People from all walks of life use the Technique to develop and improve :
- Performance and prevent injury in music , drama and sport
- Ease, effortless and grace in movement.
- Balance , stability and coordination
- Presentation and Public speaking skills
FM Alexander (1869 - 1955)

FM Alexander was an actor who lost his voice. In the process of his recovery he discovered a number of things about how he was contributing to his own health problems. From this process he gradually formulated a number of principles that people could use to improve on their own performance and quality of life.
The Technique is well known as an aid to increasing standard of performance in theatrical, musical and sporting circles but is a process that can be learned and applied to any activity, whether they be the household 'chores' and other numerous examples of the everyday such as working at a computer, using a mobile phone, walking, getting out of a chair ,gardening etc.